HTTP GET source code
If you've ever wanted to read web pages into your C
or C++ program, then this code is for you. It's the
smallest possible code that will let you read arbitrary
web URLs into your own program. It does NOT have any kind
of interesting features, and is not coded to be specifically
standards compliant, but:
- it comes with source
- it's very small
- it works
Literally, you should be able to drop it into your own program
in less than 10 minutes, assuming you already have a working
devstudio project going.
HTTP GET uses the sock_port sockets portability layer
to be easy to move to Linux. I'm releasing the source under
the MIT license, which means you can include it in your own
programs, at your own risk, without needing to release your
own source, or pay anyone anything for the right to include the
source. However, it if eats your computer, you accept the risk
of that -- not me.
HTTP GET does not handle URL re-directs, refresh tags, or any
other fanciness like that; it lets you, the user, decide how to
handle the data that the server returns, in true minimalist
Get the source as
For documentation, look at the unit test function, read the
comments in the mysteriously named header , and
look at the nettest.cpp implementation file, which implements
a very bare-bones wget-like application that snarfs web URLs to
To add to your own project, add mynetwork.cpp and sock_port.cpp
to the project. Make sure that sock_port.h and mynetwork.h can be
found in your include path. Build. That's it!
To start a new request, call NewHttpRequest(url), passing a
full "http://host/path" URL (:port is optional). Then keep polling
the request by checking whether it's complete(); when it is, you
can read() data out of it until there is no more to read. Call
dispose() when you're done.
Reading data while it's streaming (not yet complete()) is also
supported, as well as calling rewind() to start reading from the
beginning again. That, however, concludes the feature list. I told
you it was small!
You will know something went wrong when NewHttpRequest() returns
NULL, or when the request is complete() but read() returns 0 bytes.
You don't know WHAT went wrong -- but, hey, that's the web for you!